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What is

Little City


Little City Kitchen is an online custom menu planning service. Give us your budget, the number of meals that you need, and we provide you with a list of menu options for your week, an organized grocery list, and more!

Little City Kitchen is an online custom menu planning service. To sign up for the service all you do is fill out a quick form and for only $50 you will get a 100% customized menu planning made by yours truly! Your menu plan will include 5-7 lunch options, 5-7 dinner options, an organized grocery list, links to all of the recipes in your plan, and a PDF of recommended pantry essentials. Every menu is full of delicious, healthy recipes based around eating wholesome, real meals made by you. With Little City Kitchen doing all of the research and list making for you, there's no excuse for you to not make your own meals at home.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (Message version) says, "...Or didn't you realize that your body is a sacred place, the place of the Holy Spirit? Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for? The physical part of you is not some piece of 

property belonging to the spiritual party of you. God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body." God died on the cross to save us from our sins and it's the least that we can do to treat the bodies that He gave us with respect and that means eating real (and delicious) foods to nourish ourselves.


It can be so hard to eat healthy while staying within your allotted grocery budget, but Little City Kitchen is here to help! Give us your budget and we will give you an awesome menu with tons of yummy meal options.


Little City Kitchen is not a meal planning service telling you what to eat when and how much to eat. It is simply a service that puts together meal options for you to make at home whenever you please. Feel free to change up the meals as you please, taking out or putting in whatever ingredients you please, or move around the sides with different entrees or do whatever you want to make it work for you and your family! The goal with Little City Kitchen is to simply make your life easier by taking out all of the planning involved with eating healthy.

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